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Let’s be real

Radio has the largest reach; even larger than television.

When you combine the power of radio with some seriously funny ads, you get results. People remember things that make them laugh.

A Laugh traffic radio spot is finely crafted until everyone in the room is laughing; that’s our version of quality assurance. We use superior sound design, creative scriptwriting, and hilarious voice acting to create premium comedic radio ads.

We believe that if an ad is funny enough, it is no longer an ad, but a new joke you tell your friends. Word of mouth marketing becomes exponentially more effective when you get your customers laughing and smiling at the thought of your brand. Think of it this way:

Every laugh is a new customer.

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funny kid in class


funny guy writing copy

Our writers have extensive backgrounds in scriptwriting as well as stand-up comedy. Writing funny material may have gotten us in trouble in 9th grade English class, but it’s now our professional specialty. Although our superior sound design will stop anyone from changing the station, we don’t rely on it to make your ad funny; we ensure the writing itself gets people laughing first. That’s how we know we have a winner before the spot is even produced.

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Studio rack wiring gear

Not to brag, but we create the best sound design. We really do. In fact, our audio engineers (regrettably) actually went to school for this. Apart from Laugh Traffic work, our engineers have extensive backgrounds in sound design, mixing/mastering, radio production, and music composition. Your Laugh Traffic ad will not only be hysterical, but also vibrant, dynamic, and ear-catching.

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laughing microphone

After we complete the scriptwriting, we choose the funniest and most fitting voice actors from our all-star roster of talent. If you’ve ever heard Gilbert Gottfried utter a single word, you realize some people simply have a voice designed to get laughs. We’ve developed a team of local and national voice actors who can perform a wide range of styles, accents, and character voices. The voice actor on your ad won’t just be any Joe Shmoe; they’ll be your new favorite comedian.

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Custom MUSIC

guitar saxophone keyboard drums

“Man, could these guys be any more awesome?” Yes, we can. We write jingles and background music too.Many of our ads feature custom music designed for whatever the “joke” is. You want to do some kind of Kill Bill related sketch? No problem, we can create a sound-alike that closely resembles that one really cool song in the movie; you know, the one with the electric guitar in the beginning that goes “duna dun dun ducka duna dun dun ducka DUNa dun” - well, you get the point.

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Contact us

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