radio’s ridiculous reach

Picture the thousands of people stuck in traffic every day during their commute. How many of them do you think are tuning into a local radio station? A lot. In fact, radio’s reach is higher than that of television. Don’t believe us?

We at Laugh Traffic believe that combining the massive reach of radio with a hilariously written ad is one of the most effective methods of brand awareness and retention. Plus, once you have someone laughing, you can leave the rest up to word of mouth marketing.

audio is the future, not the past

Smart speakers. There are over 150 million of them currently in American homes. Plus, that number is projected to increase.

People listen to music, podcasts, books and countless other audio based forms of entertainment on their smart speakers, making audio another extremely effective way of advertising to people in their homes.

You can place your Laugh Traffic ad anywhere you want. Plus, using the power of programatic audio, you can automate the placement of your ads to serve only select segments of potential customers relevant to your business.

ridiculous roi

Radio has the largest reach to consumers above all other marketing mediums, with an average of a 6x times return on investment. The cost of audio production is significantly lower than television production, and reaches a larger audience, resulting in these massive ROIs. Are you sold yet?